Vertical Life Church-Uganda

When I first visted with Wabomba Simon, I traveled to a town called Bugiri, then we took a 15 to 20 minute boda ride outside of the town to where one of the churches was. This was the poorest area I saw in Africa up to that point; however, we have seen God move in this area. People have accepted Christ, people experienced pain leaving their bodies, and people were set free from the demonic influence from witchcraft.

Typical needs in this ministry are:

  • Bibles – Bibles are a luxury and are not easily afforded by the people in these communities.
  • Food for widows and orphans – As people have means, they can sometimes grow their own food as well.
  • Funds for a church roof – Currently there is a need for metal sheets for a roof.
  • Transportation – Pastors need a motorcycle or funds to hire transportation.

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